Sunday Services Join us Sundays @ 9:00AM & 10:30AM Click here to livestream


What's happening at Cornerstone!

Featured Happenings

Only two more Sunday’s to collect items, here is what we have so far:

211 Men’s Disposable Razors still needed (19 received of 230)

205 Cans of Men’s Shaving Cream (25 received of 230)

425 Women’s Deodorant (45 received of 470)

649 Full Size Toothpaste (51 received of 700)

679 Chapsticks (21 received of 700)

Please also consider volunteering at the event by clicking the sign up button, thank you!


We invite you to join Discovery, a class led by Cornerstone pastors for learning more about who Cornerstone is and what we believe. Afterward, you will have the option to join the church as a member. Discovery is also a class to simply gather information about Cornerstone. Join us on February 8 from 8:30AM - 2:00PM in the Student Center. Breakfast & lunch will be provided.




We are excited to launch a new interactive adult class called Family Lab!

9AM @ The Lantern, this is designed for adults actively raising children in 4-6 week sessions. Each class begins with a biblical perspective and includes group discussion, workshop activities & opportunities for participants to share stories, experiences 

and discipleship tools with one another. 


We are excited to launch a new class called Living Life Backwards.

10:30AM @ The Lantern, Ecclesiastes teaches us to live in light of the end. What if it is death that teaches us how to truly live? Ecclesiastes is a book of wisdom written to shake up our expectations for what it means to live "the good life."



We are excited to host our Kids Ministry Volunteer Conference on Saturday January 25th! Join us for a special message from Pastor Winans, food and breakout sessions- please register below to be a part!


Wednesday Evening Programming


A brand new class taught by our Kids Min Director Andrea Hartman!

This four-week class for parents/caregivers of kids ages 0-18 will introduce four steps that will help you develop a culture of discipleship in your home. Starts February 5th.