Sunday Services Join us Sundays @ 9:00AM & 10:30AM Click here to livestream


Play with good sportmanship

Sports Ministries

We have a variety of sports meeting throughout the year,

depending on the season of the year.

A completed sports waiver is required to

participate with any sport, thank you!


Men's Golf League starts soon!

  • We will be playing again on Thursdays (tee times start at 3:20 p.m). 
  • The league will run for 16 weeks (starting May 8, ends on August 28). 
  • The cost for this season is $272 ($17 per week), or $224 ($14 per week) for golfers 55 & older.
  • Carts are extra, but not required. 
  • Sign-ups are due by April 21 and payments are due by April 25. Make your checks payable to: Randy Kniebes.

Actions to Join:

  1. Email Randy Kniebes at to indicate your interest in playing this season!
  2. In that email, provide your first and last name, cell phone, home phone (if applicable), your email and if you are aged 55+, please indicate if you wish to be a substitute.
  3. Print, complete and sign the required golf waiver below, even if you are a substitute.


Men’s Basketball

Hess Hall

Sundays beginning January 19 @ 3PM - 5PM

Contact Dan Posthuma at with questions.



Saturdays 8:45AM to 11AM @ Hess Hall.

Starts January 11, 2025

The following dates are not available:

  • 3/15/25 for the Pine Car Derby
  • 5/3/25 for the Trail Life Conference
  • 5/24/25 for Memorial Day Weekend
