Wendesday evening programing

We begin ComeUnity Dinners in the Celebration Center at 5:30PM.
Kids, Students and Adults Programming @ 6:30PM.
Community Dinners provided by the ivy table @ 5:30PM to 6:30PM

Whisk and Ivy prepares delicious from-scratch food every week, but their 501c3 nonprofit, The Ivy Table will now be hosting the meals. Dinners will be open to the community. Each meal will be offered on a pay-what-you-can basis. $7 will cover the food cost of one meal... pay more to bless someone else OR pay as you are able. Proceeds from these meals will be used by The Ivy Table to feed those in need both locally and in Thailand, as well as help to fund the charity's mission to open a nonprofit pay-what-you-can cafe in the area. Invite a friend, neighbor, co-worker, or stranger to join us around the table on Wednesday nights for a delicious meal with a purpose. Let's show our community some Christ-like Cornerstone hospitality! Pre-registration is requested to help with food planning.
Classes & Programming
Adult Classes
Women's Bible Study
Follow Me @ 6:30PM to 8PM in Celebration Center Classroom
Adult Class, Hard Sayings of the Bible, co-taught by Chris Winans and Matt Grimm
@ 6:30PM to 8PM in The Lantern

Follow Me is an in-depth study on the gospel of Mark
with an invitation to follow Jesus.
It invites us to step forward in faith, even in our weaknesses & doubts,
and pursue the One who welcomes us into a relationship with Him.
The book of Mark teaches us how following Christ is
not a one-time action but a lifelong pursuit.
Kingdom Seekers
Birth – 5th grade
2nd – 5th graders should be dropped off at the Kids Chapel this year, where they will have an exciting large group lesson. Kids will then split into small groups by age and dive deeper with prayer, lesson discussion, and Bible memorization.
Kids will return to the Chapel for games and can be picked up at the Chapel by 7:45PM.
This year, elementary students will be learning Bible verses and stories from our new curriculum, “Brite” written by Awana. Lessons from Sunday will be reinforced on Wednesday in an exciting large group setting in our newly remodeled Chapel, with relevant Bible memory and engaging small group activities. Join us!
Praise Makers
Praise Makers is our Kids Choir and is for all students K-8.
We practice every Wednesday from 5:30PM to 6:15PM and sing once a month in Sunday services.
Visit our Praise Makers page for more info and registration.
Middle School
6th - 8th grade
Student Center
Middle School meets for worship, a lesson & games.
High School
9th - 12th grade
Student Center
High School meets for teaching, fellowship, and fun!