We love our Seniors here at Cornerstone!
Off Our Rockers and Primetimers classes meet every week, and there are literally things happening every single day Sunday to Sunday that Seniors can be a significant part of (and already are).
Click the images below for more information about our classes, and feel free to call the office anytime at 810-227-9411 if you have any questions!
We are thrilled to announce that Primetimers is livestreamed each week, Thursdays at 1:15PM.
Click the button below to watch!
Senior's Retreat April 4 and 5

Senior Retreat here at Cornerstone on April 4 and 5!
Friday, April 4 @ 4PM - 7:30PM
Saturday, April 5 @ 11AM - 3PM
The Lantern & Celebration Center
A two-part retreat with multiple presentation and discussion sessions which will highlight finishing well as disciples while gracefully navigating the various difficulties the aging process brings and planning for the inevitability of death.
Donna Alberta
Email: dalberta@cstoneepc.com
Phone: 810-494-4016
Registration opens March 10!