Sunday Services Join us Sundays in Hess Hall @ 8:30AM, 10AM & 11:30AM Click here to livestream


Connect with the world

Our Vision

The vision of Cornerstone Missions is to convey the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Christ’s commands in his great commissions. To that effect, we are sent and send others (John 20:21) to faithfully preach the gospel of truth in His name (Luke 24:47) to all of creation (Mark 16:15), witnessing in the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8), and to make disciples of Christ, not simply converts (Matt. 28:19-20).

We do this by partnering with and sending out missionaries, providing opportunities for the Cornerstone flock to develop a heart and calling for missionary work, equipping them to make missions personal, and empowering them to see the value and impact of missions in their lives and the lives of others, all to the glory of God alone.

John 20:21 Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you."

Luke 24:47 and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

Mark 16:15 And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

All Scriptures NIV, copyright 1986.  


Mission Trips

There are needs to be met from our neighborhoods next door to around the globe. Is God calling you to take action? Cornerstone hosts mission trips of various lengths and locations, everything from reaching out to our local community overseas.

Upcoming Mission Trip

guatemala - December 27, 2024 through January 4, 2025

Is God calling you or your family to serve on a mission trip? Consider the Guatemala mission trip to Casa Bernabe Children's Home! We would love to have you join us on this trip from December 27, 2024 - January 4, 2025.

  • $100 deposit due by Tuesday, September 24
  • Twenty five spots available


Weekly Serving Opportunity



Cornerstone has a “footprint” in the following geographical areas:

Michigan: University of Michigan Ann Arbor and Flint, Central Michigan University, Ferris State University, Detroit, Brighton, Flint, Dearborn, Ypsilanti, Madison Heights, Lansing and Howell.

United States: Wisconsin, South Carolina, Texas, Illinois, Colorado, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Arkansas.

Abroad: China, Belarus, Arab Gulf, Russia, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Haiti, England, Thailand, Philippines, Pakistan, New Guinea, Spain, North Africa, South Africa, Hungary, Bolivia, France, Malaysia, Lebanon, Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Japan, India, Mozambique, Middle East, Kazakhstan, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, Singapore, Ukraine, Kenya, Guatemala, and Cambodia.

Cornerstone Ministries: Almost every Cornerstone Ministry offers Mission Outreach projects. Some of these are Thanksgiving Dinners open to the community, Fish and Loaves, Community Connect, tutoring at Military Avenue/Detroit, Vacation Bible School both at Cornerstone and Military Avenue/Detroit, Springhill Day Camps, Youth Group Mission Trips, ABF Classes support of individual missionaries, Women’s Ministry Outreach projects, Men’s Ministry Outreach projects, and more.

Staff & Volunteers: A large percentage of Cornerstone’s budget is committed to Missions. Cornerstone has also dedicated a pastor to Missions along with one full-time employee. There are also many volunteers that serve Missions at Cornerstone.



Each missionary works in cooperation with a sending agency. The sending agencies we support include:

  • A Rocha
  • Abide
  • Advance Ministries
  • Antioch Movement
  • Awaken Love International
  • Azmera
  • Barnabas International
  • Biglife
  • Central Detroit Christian
  • Counteract International
  • Cru (including Campus, Jesus Film & Family Life)
  • Dance Project
  • EPC World Outreach
  • EquipNet
  • FOCE (Friends of Children Everywhere)
  • Footprints International
  • Frontiers International Ministry
  • GATHER Network
  • Global Hope International Network
  • Helping Haiti's Orphans
  • InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
  • Life Challenge
  • Literacy & Evangelism
  • Livingston County Right to Life
  • Love INC Kenya
  • Mesa Global
  • Midcourse Correction
  • Midwest Indian Mission
  • Mission Aviation Fellowship
  • Military Avenue
  • New Hope Rehabilitation Foundation
  • Operation Mobilization
  • People International
  • Pregnancy Help Clinic
  • Reach the Forgotten
  • Real Life
  • Reformed University Fellowship
  • Reliant
  • SCORE Ministries
  • SEND International
  • SON International
  • Streets 517 Ministries
  • TWR
  • Vamonos Community Ministries
  • World Partners
  • World Team
  • WorldVenture
  • Wycliffe Bible Translators
  • Youth for Christ
  • Youth With A Mission


High Impact for the Kingdom

  • Do you like to hear about how God’s Spirit is moving across the world today?
  • Are you looking for a way to get involved in missions?
  • Would you like to get together with 6-8 others who share the same love for missions?


Low Impact of your time;


 Missionary Care Groups meet once a month to pray for supported missionaries and visit them when they are in the area. This is an incredible way to have a high impact at home and around the world while having a low impact on your schedule.


Multiplied Blessings


Contact: Amy Rose

Phone: 810-494-4034


Leadership provided by Rev. Matt Grimm, Tom McCarthy, Jay Chamberlin, Margaux Krause and Nathanael Shaw