A Ministry for adults, aged 60+
The Scriptures teach us that there is tremendous value in a long life, well-lived to honor and serve the Lord. Grey hair is considered a "crown" of the righteous man or woman who fears God.
We appreciate our "senior saints" and are grateful for their wisdom and testimony to God's enduring faithfulness. We have a variety of resources available, as well as activities in which to get involved.
Our Primetimers group is for men and women aged 60+. This community brings together retirees, widows, and widowers, who are seniors. If you are a senior and would like to know others at your life stage, this is the place for you.
For more information, please contact the church office at 810-227-9411 or by email at info@cstoneepc.com.
We are thrilled to announce that Primetimers is Livestreamed every Thursday A 1:15PM, click the button below to watch!
Weekly Worship

Primetimers is a group of just older youth (60 and older) under Pastor Art Hunt's leadership. We meet on Thursdays, 12:30PM to 2:30PM in The Lantern. We enjoy the Lord, Bible Study, prayer, fellowship, planned and spontaneous fun group activities, and meeting together.
- Every 3rd Wednesday, Primetimers meet at Fowlerville Farms for lunch at 11:30AM and at 1:00PM go to CRI, Christian Resource International, to sort books that are sent to missionaries all over the world.
- Primetimers financially supports Missionaries around the globe with weekly donations.
- Primetimers collect at least 80 cans of soup a month to give to Military Ave. Church in Detroit.
Transportation Ministry

This brand new ministry provides rides for senior adults to medical appointments and other activities, such as grocery shopping, banking, pharmacy, and haircuts.
- Call and leave a message with your name, phone number, date and time of appointment, and type of appointment. Your call will be returned by the next business day.
- Passengers must live in Brighton, Howell, or Hartland, and the appointments also need to be in these cities.
- Additional medical appointments in Ann Arbor and Novi may be possible, depending on driver availability.
- Passengers must be ambulatory. Walkers, canes, and oxygen are permitted. Wheelchairs are not.
- Appointments need to be scheduled 7-10 days in advance. The maximum time allotted for medical appointments is 3 hours, and the maximum hours for other activities is 2 hours. This includes drive time.
- The driver stays with the passenger during the appointment. Drivers must be Cornerstone members or attenders and have training and proof of insurance on file.
- Calls may be made at any time to the designated phone line for Senior Transportation Ministry.
- Medical appointments will be scheduled for Monday – Friday from 8:30AM to 3PM.
- Non-medical appointments will be scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday from 9AM to 3PM.
The cost of the ride is a suggested donation of $10 to Cornerstone EPC to cover a portion of fuel costs – if you are able. Passengers will be asked when scheduling the ride if they can afford the donation.
We look forward to serving you!